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Outcome Harvesting

Outcome Harvesting (OH) is an evaluation methodology used to analyse how project initiatives or interventions have or have not been effective, based on changes they have contributed to. It is a methodology that ‘explores’ as widely as possible all outcomes (both intended or otherwise, positive and negative), and the role of the project initiatives and other factors.  An outcome is described as a change in behaviour of a program stakeholder or ‘target’ audience. There must be an identifiable causal link between the outcomes and the program initiative (the change agent). Often such direct attribution is difficult. Thus, OH is a tool/method that helps to develop lessons on how best to achieve their goal(s) or objective(s) by adjusting and adapting program activities as a result of analyzing the harvested outcomes. Outcome harvesting is particularly suitable to assess innovative and development work for which social change is the purpose or is a significant part of what is required for success. Outcome harvesting can be integrated into other approaches and models, for example using the OECD criteria, or impact assessment for a more comprehensive evaluation assessment.



Signature Issue

Right Track Africa provided outcome mapping and outcome harvesting technical assistance to TechnoServe in 2019. The Outcomes Harvest (OH) was to identify and validate what had been achieved, and the contributing roles of the program and other factors. The participants were also introduced to outcome mapping (OM). Since March 2018, TechnoServe, in alliance with Partners in Food Solutions (PFS), has been implementing a 5-year Alliance for Inclusive and Nutritious Food Processing project in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Zambia (AINFP, hereafter also referred to as the Alliance). The goal of the project, funded by USAID Bureau of Food Security, is to create a competitive food-processing sector that generates inclusive economic growth. The Alliance project is designed to transfer technology and know-how to food processors (at least 30% female-owned/led) in the target countries.


Following the project’s first year of operations (2018 – 2019), TechnoServe sought to design and implement an Outcomes Harvest (OH) to identify and validate what had been achieved, and the contributing roles of the program and other factors. The OH technical assistance started with a 3-day training event that took place in September 2019 at Nairobi, Kenya. The training was attended by participants, majority drawn from the AINFP and a few from other Technoserve Market System Facilitation (MSF) projects namely; SAPFF, Yield Wise and Coffee Program. The participants were also introduced to outcome mapping (OM), with an explanation of the difference between the two project management processes, and why OM is best suited for planning ahead and monitoring, while OH is best suited for evaluation.

Care International

Signature Issue

Right Track Africa conducted an Outcome harvesting training workshop for the partners working with the CARE Uganda program STRENPO. CARE International in Uganda in partnership with four implementing partners is delivering a four years’ program titled “Strengthening Resilience and Inclusive Governance Program (STRENPO)” since April 2018. The training objectives were: To build the capacity of participants on the use of outcome mapping and outcome harvesting methodologies in monitoring, evaluation and outcome-based reporting writing. Second, to build capacity of participants to track changes in the knowledge, attitudes and practices supporting gender sensitive resilience building and climate change. And third, to train participants on how to use outcome mapping and outcome harvesting in tracking the impact of the project on women, men, boys and girls.

At the national level, the partners are: Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) and Environment Alert (EA). The program mainly leverages on the approaches and lessons learnt from the previous project-FOREST. To best apply this approach and achieve sustained impact of the project, STRENPO is partnering with two district level Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in three districts of Arua, Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa. These are; Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESSE) and Rural Initiative for Community Empowerment (RICE West Nile).


To achieve its goal and strategic objectives, STRENPO directly targets and works with and through the women and youth and their networks founded at district, sub-county and community levels, while also strengthening the national and local civil society to influence the spaces for women, youth and CSOs operations and advocacy for women and youth to participate in policy development, governance and in decision making processes regarding natural assets. The program is designed to contribute to its goal through three inter-linked objectives which are; Strong community-based organizations, empowered citizens and allow women and youth to build assets and take leadership roles in strengthening community resilience. Two, CSOs and networks have increased capacity and expand spaces for negotiation between empowered citizens, refugees and accountable duty bearers through multi-stakeholder platforms focused on resilience. And lastly, Government and other duty bearers, at district and national levels are inclusive and accountable in delivering a well-coordinated response to key drivers of risk and thereby response to demands and needs of citizens and refugees.