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Proposal Writing


Organizations, programs and projects use money to implement their interventions. These interventions range from research (system appraisals), development (provision of services and facilities) to policy reform. These implementers develop proposals to funders to demonstrate how they are best suited for such support. Developing convincing proposals takes training but perfection requires skill gained through years of experiential application, thorough knowledge of the sectors, industries, and communities being served, and how the resources being applied for will deliver results efficiently and in line with funder policies and requirements. It also requires knowledge of resource providers to be approached. It requires packaging such requests through expert writing that clearly presents how the projects’ Theories of Change (ToC).

Right Track Africa (RTA), through Julius Nyangaga, has been consulted to draft and support the development of such proposals. His contributions have been successful for a number of initiatives. In the process, RTA has gained adequate knowledge and experience proposal writing.

RTA’s Proposal Writing  Projects

Some of the clients RTA has worked with on proposal writing and research include the following:

  1. WHH S Sudan proposal Submitted to KfW

In March 2019, Julius supported WHH S Sudan in developing a proposal for a project titled Recovery, Rehabilitation and Resilience building in Northern Bahr el Ghazal”.

  1. SNV: proposals to AGRA and NORAD

Julius has been engaged in supporting the development of proposals for SNV Kenya programs:

  • In July 2016, a tender to PROFIT program at the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) for a project titled “Identification, Sampling, Selection and Capacity Building of Selected Smallholder Farmers and Farmer Groups in Livestock Value Chain expected to participate in the PROFIT initiative”.
  • In January 2018, a proposal to NORAD for a project titled “Increasing Resilience in Agricultural Feed and Fodder Production in Kenya”.
  1. SACIDS proposal to Welcome Trust Fund

The Africa Centre of Excellence for Infectious Diseases of Humans and Animals in Eastern and Southern Africa (SACIDS-ACE) is based in Sokoine University, Morogoro, Tanzania. In October 2014, Julius was engaged by SACIDS-ACE to support the team in developing a proposal to the Welcome Trust Fund.