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RTA’s Learning Partner and Mentoring Projects

    1. CAP YEI Youth Empowerment Program
    2. TechnoServe Food Processor support
    3. DECI support to IDRC-funded CPC projects
    4. SNV BDS
    5. WHO TDR World Health
TechnoServe – outcome harvesting Right Track Africa provided outcome mapping and outcome harvesting technical assistance to TechnoServe in 2019. The Outcomes Harvest (OH) was to identify and validate what had been achieved, and the contributing roles of the program and other factors. The participants were also introduced to outcome mapping (OM). Since March 2018, TechnoServe, in alliance with Partners in Food Solutions (PFS), has been implementing a 5-year Alliance for Inclusive and Nutritious Food Processing project in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Zambia (AINFP, hereafter also referred to as the Alliance). The goal of the project, funded by USAID Bureau of Food Security, is to create a competitive food-processing sector that generates inclusive economic growth. The Alliance project is designed to transfer technology and know-how to food processors (at least 30% female-owned/led) in the target countries. Following the project’s first year of operations (2018 – 2019), TechnoServe sought to design and implement an Outcomes Harvest (OH) to identify and validate what had been achieved, and the contributing roles of the program and other factors. The OH technical assistance started with a 3-day training event that took place in September 2019 at Nairobi, Kenya. The training was attended by participants, majority drawn from the AINFP and a few from other Technoserve Market System Facilitation (MSF) projects namely; SAPFF, Yield Wise and Coffee Program. The participants were also introduced to outcome mapping (OM), with an explanation of the difference between the two project management processes, and why OM is best suited for planning ahead and monitoring, while OH is best suited for evaluation.