Forums are spaces in which individuals come together to share, discuss and agree on various subjects. This can be through workshops, conferences, face-to-face or online dialogues. Forums facilitation entails developing an objective and agenda for the space, agreeing on the content and flow of discussion, identifying and inviting relevant participants, preparing materials that will be used and managing the process to its final conclusion. A critical aspect of forum facilitation is an effective and efficient plan that will provide adequate space for all participants to contribute. RTA has been a forum facilitator for institutions and projects developing strategies and plans, sharing outputs, and analysing progress. RTA has also facilitated forums designed to develop specific outputs, such as write shops for reports and policy documents, operating manuals, and a wide range of publications.
CCAFS – Workshop Facilitation
Signature Issue
In April 2018, Julius Nyangaga of Right Track Africa facilitated a training workshop for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) which was held at Nairobi, Kenya. The New Partnership for Africa’s Development is an economic development program of the African Union. AU’s NEPAD held the training for government officials from selected African countries on National Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the agriculture sector. NDCs are part of the global measures of the 2015 Paris Agreement at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 2) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The training was funded by GIZ, and implemented by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The trainees were from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana and Ethiopia, and the objective was to create a broader understanding of NDCs so that they could know in greater detail of (a) What needs to be done, (b) How and (c) Possible financing mechanisms.
Julius Nyangaga of Right Track Africa facilitated the 3-day training workshop which took part at the Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, and was attended by between 1 and 5 people each from each country. It was the first training on NDCs, and the material was very well prepared and compiled using contributions from experts within CCAFS and beyond (FAO, etc.). The training was a combination of presentations, discussions and practical group activities. This worked very well with participants fully engaged in knowledge sharing and understanding. The training resources were also made available on-line and via shared files.
Training government officials about NDCs is a significant undertaking in support of the countries’ commitments to global climate change management. It is through such knowledge and skills that governments will be able to develop programs that mitigate against higher GHG emissions, and present appropriate adaptation strategies. The extent to which this knowledge is available varies, which underpins a key reason for this training.
Feed the Future – Rwanda Round Table
Signature Issue
Julius Nyangaga of Right Track Africa facilitated a workshop titled “Joint sharing and planning for improved livestock policies” for Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems. The Enabling Policy Area of Inquiry (Policy AOI) of the USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems at UF/IFAS (hence Livestock Innovation Lab) supports researchers and partners in the focus countries of intervention by helping to identify and promote the conditions and policy processes that are most conducive to sustainable livestock systems. The Roundtable aimed to provide to key policy stakeholders in the Rwanda’s livestock sector an opportunity to explore their current collaboration and communication processes, especially along the continuum between research and policy-making, and identify new modalities for effectively sharing relevant knowledge from livestock science and contribute to more informed policy formulation and implementation. The Roundtable also aimed to contribute to the Livestock Systems Innovation Lab’s ongoing mission of developing human and institutional capacity in Rwanda, and support collaborative efforts that lead to solid developmental impacts.
The livestock sector in Rwanda requires interventions that increase productivity growth, smallholders’ income, access to markets, and the nutritional well-being of the most vulnerable populations in a sustainable manner. For such interventions to be more effective and impactful, and to foster closer participation of the private sector, considerable amount of accurate, reliable and up-to-date information is required from current, cutting edge research. Policy makers need reliable, easy to understand evidence-based information communicated in a timely manner to use in formulating and implementing relevant policies. Research information should present practical guides for use by the government and other implementing partners so they can make the right decisions. This includes research products that deliver meaningful and easily comprehensible evidence on how to scale up positive results. However, it is also essential that researchers are made aware of where the information gaps for policy-making are most acute, so they can design, implement and communicate relevant findings and recommendations.